Your Will – are you sure it will help those intended?

Charlotte Fox/Faye Scotter, Evans Derry Solicitors, Coleshill

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

You need a will, but must make sure it helps those intended! When was the last time you reviewed your will or have you even made one? The Court of Appeal has just awarded a six figure pay-out to a daughter, from whom the deceased…

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Mediation… The Celebrity seal of approval?

Karen Beevers, Partner, Evans Derry Solicitors, Coleshill

Saturday, 11 July 2015

Sadly, there is nothing new or perhaps surprising to hear of the demise of another celebrity marriage. Yet there was a subtle difference to the sad news last week that Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner were to divorce after 10 years of marriage. Rather than…

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Divorce, but no financial agreement: are you at risk?

By Karen Beevers, Partner, Evans Derry Solicitors

Monday, 16 March 2015

A recent landmark Supreme Court decision has raised considerable media attention, and even surprise, following a ruling that a woman is able to proceed with an application to claim cash from her ex-husband notwithstanding their divorce nearly 20 years ago. The couple met in their…

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Cheque presentation to Birmingham Crisis Centre

Karen Beevers, Partner, Evans Derry Solicitors, Coleshill

Friday, 15 November 2013

Partner Karen Beevers and member of the West Midlands Collaborative Family Law Group attended a cheque presentation to the Birmingham Crisis Centre, formed in 1998 to provide a safe haven for female victims of domestic abuse. The donation of £1,000 will assist them to raise…

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